Archive for Fair

Project Tents Charity Fair

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on May 11, 2010 by Body Talking

It is estimated 230,000 people died in the Haiti earthquake. Around a million people remain homeless as a result of the natural disaster. As the rain and hurricane season approach, providing shelter materials to these homeless people is a priority.

Project Tents is a fundraiser to help raise funds relief efforts in Haiti; and we hope to be a part of the global effort to help the millions of Haitians displaced by the January 12, 2010 disaster.

We will be working with Peace Train, a recognized non-profit fundraising group within SL. From the Peace Train website:

Peace Train is a group in Second Life dedicated to raising awareness of and funds for identified peace-building efforts around the world. Peace Train is the virtual arm of the US Public Charity, the Peace Train Charitable Trust. 100% of donations (collected within Second Life or through our website) are given to the organizations identified.

Body Talking is proud to announce that we are part of this charity event and we hope to see you all there and help with what we can do from SL.

For more information about Project Tents, you can visit the official website